Make church a priority

This Sunday is the first Sunday of 2025! A new year always comes with new goals, new priorities, and new resolutions. It is a fresh start. For many of us, we get a new start on goals that we have failed to achieve in the past. Well, the slate is clean, and we can start over.

I would like to challenge you to make church a priority in the new year. I get it, life is busy. We have tons of things to do, and skipping Sunday services seems like a good move for your time and busyness. It will give you a day to yourself and a day off. I see that perspective, but you miss out on so much when you skip church because of your busy schedule. I would like for you to focus on what you are missing out on more than what you gain, because it far outweighs it.

In this post, I would like to share a few reasons why you need to make church a priority this year:

  1. God commands it - In Hebrews 10, the writer speaks directly to the assembly (church) and how we should not forsake it. In fact, as we see the return of Jesus getting nearer, we must go more. We must make it more of a priority now than ever before. Attending church shouldn't be an option for your family, because God Himself has commanded it. 
  2. You need relationships - Church is about relationships. Church is about doing life together. The word "together" is mentioned every time church is mentioned. Whether you want to admit this or not, you were not created to do life alone. You were created to do life with people. TOGETHER. You cannot do that in the comfort of your home on Sunday mornings. Go to church and build relationships. 
  3. It's the Lord's day - Throughout Scripture, we see that God's people observed a Sabbath Day. Now, we can get into the theology of that another time, but Sunday is the Lord's day, and He deserves our best. 
  4. To sing praises to God - Think of church like a rehearsal for what Heaven is going to be like. It is a tune up. It is a sound check. Right now as I write this, saints and angels are gathered lifting up their voices in praise to God. Until that day comes, church is how we do that. You may not like to sing or you may feel like you cannot sing. That is okay, you aren't singing for yourself or for any other person. You are singing to your Redeemer, your Savior, your Creator, and your Friend! He is worthy of your song. 
  5. To learn about God - Church is an opportunity for you to learn about God. God has revealed Himself through His Word so you must find a church that preaches the Word. That is the first step. Once you found a church that preaches the Word, attend ready to learn. Every Sunday is an opportunity for you to learn something new about God. Don't come and go. Instead, come and behold! Behold our God. How great He is, and we have not even scratched the service regarding how great He is! 

Life is busy. I understand that, but don't forsake the priority of church this year. If you do, you will miss out on so many things that God has in store for you. 

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