As our ministry has continued to grow over the years, we believe that it is time for us to take a step forward in faith and follow the vision that God is leading us too. This God sized vision will increase our capacity and opportunities to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel for years to come.
The vision looks like this:
• Multi-Purposed gymnatorium that increases the Sunday seating capacity to 750 and increases our bleacher seating capacity to 640.
• Educational wing that increases our total school enrollment by 300 more students.
• Ball fields for our athletic teams to use.
• Nearly doubles our parking capacity
The vision that God has called us to is a big one. We cannot do this without help. That is why we are asking everyone to pray and give to see this vision become a reality. Let's all take a step forward in faith together.
The best is yet to come,
Pastor Josh Evans
The vision:
A multipurpose Gymnatorium with an educational wing
Phase #1: Clearing the Property & construction of the educational wing (13 classrooms)
Cost: $8 million
Start Date: November, 2024
Completion Date: July, 2025
Phase #2: Gymnatorium w/ large lobby
Cost: $7 Million
Start Date: Target date is is 2027
Completion Date: Target date is July, 2028
Phase #3: Ball Fields (Soccer, softball, and baseball fields)
Cost: 1.5 million
Start Date: Target date is 2028
Completion Date: Target date is Winter of 2029
Cost: $8 million
Start Date: November, 2024
Completion Date: July, 2025
Phase #2: Gymnatorium w/ large lobby
Cost: $7 Million
Start Date: Target date is is 2027
Completion Date: Target date is July, 2028
Phase #3: Ball Fields (Soccer, softball, and baseball fields)
Cost: 1.5 million
Start Date: Target date is 2028
Completion Date: Target date is Winter of 2029
How you can help
In order for this vision to become a reality, we need 100% participation. We need each family in our church and school to help us move forward in faith on mission together. Here are two ways that we need your help:
- Pray - This is the #1 way that you can help. Put this on your daily prayer list, and lift it up in prayer.
- Give - Listen, this vision does cost, and we need your help. Below you will find the information on how you can financially help with this project. We need everyone doing their part in order to see this vision become reality.

Give to forward in faith
For this campaign, we are asking for 100% participation. This campaign is for Phase #1 of the project (clearing of the land + the construction of the educational building). We are looking to raise 8 million dollars. This campaign will run for 15 months, and we plan to start with phase #1 in November, 2024. Phase 1, we hope will be entirely completed by summer of 2025. Below you can donate a one time gift or set up a weekly/monthly giving. Just check the "Forward in faith" option from the dropdown below. We need everyone to donate to see this vision become a reality. Thank you so much for your generosity.